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Build the example project

This tutorial guides you through building our EngFlow/example repository to get a feel for using EngFlow. By the end of this exercise, you'll understand the essential benefits of building your own project using EngFlow.


At this time, this walkthrough is only compatible with the Bazel build system. Future documentation will provide guidance for additional build systems that are compatible with the Remote Execution API, such as Buck2 or the Chromium build system (Goma).

Prepare your environment

Set up EngFlow

If you haven't done so already, be sure to set up your EngFlow instance.

Install Bazel

The example project uses the Bazel build system. Please install Bazel on your machine if you haven't done so already.

Clone the example repository

The EngFlow/example repository contains examples in various languages that demonstrate how to build and test software with the EngFlow Remote Execution service:

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git clone

Review any language-specific guidance

The README file in the EngFlow/example repository provides guidance on how to build the code and run the tests for various languages. Perform any special setup required for the language of your choice. Note which languages contain available bazel build and bazel test targets.

Build the project without EngFlow

Run the local bazel build and bazel test commands described in the README to ensure they complete successfully, but skip the remote execution commands. Follow along with the rest of the steps on this page instead.

Build the example project using EngFlow

Configure the project using the trial cluster


If you're using MyEngFlow, you should have already created a ~/.bazelrc file configured to use your MyEngFlow instance. Skip this section and continue on to Build targets instead.

Once you've received your trial access, proceed through the following steps, replacing CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your EngFlow trial cluster.

  1. Log into the cluster UI at

  2. If your cluster has mutual authentication enabled, download a Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) certificate from:

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    This downloads a ZIP file that you need to unpack. We recommend unpacking it into a dedicated .engflow directory in your home directory, i.e., ~/.engflow.

    The getting started guide link on this cluster page is a link to the Bazel First-Time Setup documentation. We'll return to this documentation in the last step of this exercise.

    A cluster's Getting Started page

  3. If you're curious, you can view the current state of your trial cluster on the Cluster Status page: A cluster's Cluster Status page

  4. Create a .bazelrc.user file in your EngFlow/example working directory. The .bazelrc from EngFlow/example imports this file to pick up your local configurations. Create it using the following lines, replacing PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE_DIR with the absolute path into which you unpacked the certificate files (e.g., /Users/foobar/.engflow):

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    # Incorporate configurations from .bazelrc, which sources this file.
    # - Depending on your cluster configuration, replace remote_linux_64 with
    #   remote_macos_x64 or remote_windows_x64.
    build:engflow --config=engflow_common
    build:engflow --config=remote_linux_x64
    # Configuration for your trial cluster
    build:engflow --remote_executor=grpcs://
    build:engflow --bes_backend=grpcs://
    build:engflow --bes_results_url=
    build:engflow --nogoogle_default_credentials
    build:engflow --bes_lifecycle_events
    # Configuration for your mTLS certificates (if required)
    build:engflow --tls_client_certificate=PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE_DIR/engflow.crt
    build:engflow --tls_client_key=PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE_DIR/engflow.key
    # Uncomment to ensure _all_ build and test runs will be remote. Comment
    # this out when building locally.
    #build --config=engflow
  5. EngFlow uses Linux x64 by default (--config=remote_linux_x64). If you set up a trial for a different architecture, you will need to change this configuration parameter accordingly. See the .bazelrc file at the top level of the EngFlow/example repo for the correct configuration label for your architecture.

Build targets


If you're using MyEngFlow, the instances of in the following output will appear as instead.

  1. Pick one of the language-specific project directories from EngFlow/example that you'd like to build, and build all targets within that directory. For example, when choosing java:

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    bazel build --config=engflow //java/...
  2. You should see output similar to the following in the results (where INVOCATION_ID is a globally unique identifier containing hexadecimal digits and dashes):

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    $ bazel build --config=engflow //java/...
    INFO: Invocation ID: INVOCATION_ID
    INFO: Streaming build results to:
    INFO: Analyzed 10 targets (5 packages loaded, 5608 targets configured).
    [ ...snip... ]
    INFO: Found 10 targets...
    INFO: Elapsed time: 159.513s, Critical Path: 87.38s
    INFO: 872 processes: 385 internal, 487 remote.
    INFO: Build completed successfully, 872 total actions
    INFO: Streaming build results to:

Inspect results in the UI

  1. Follow the build results URL in the final line of the output above to view the invocation details page:

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    The Invocation Details page for a specific build invocation

  2. Explore this page to get a feel for how the EngFlow UI enables visibility into build results, details, and performance. Note the build summary at the top and the content within each of the tabs (Highlights, Target Tree, etc.).

  3. Read the Invocation Details Page documentation for more details about the information presented on this page.

Execute tests

  1. Run all the test targets within the chosen directory and ensure that they all PASSED:

    Text Only
    $ bazel test --config=engflow //java/...
    INFO: Invocation ID: INVOCATION_ID
    INFO: Streaming build results to:
    INFO: Analyzed 10 targets (159 packages loaded, 5608 targets configured).
    [ ...snip... ]
    INFO: Found 9 targets and 1 test target...
    INFO: Elapsed time: 187.185s, Critical Path: 183.46s
    INFO: 501 processes: 487 remote cache hit, 13 internal, 1 remote.
    INFO: Build completed successfully, 501 total actions
    //java/com/engflow/example:ExampleTest                 PASSED in 0.9s
    Executed 1 out of 1 test: 1 test passes.
    INFO: Streaming build results to:
  2. Run the tests one more time to ensure that Bazel uses the cached results, indicated by (cached) PASSED:

    Text Only
    $ bazel test --config=engflow //java/...
    INFO: Invocation ID: INVOCATION_ID
    INFO: Streaming build results to:
    INFO: Analyzed 10 targets (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
    INFO: Found 9 targets and 1 test target...
    INFO: Elapsed time: 0.109s, Critical Path: 0.00s
    INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
    INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
    //java/com/engflow/example:ExampleTest        (cached) PASSED in 0.9s
    Executed 0 out of 1 test: 1 test passes.
    INFO: Streaming build results to:
  3. Note the differences in the build summaries and test target details between the two invocations (Target Tree > //java/com/engflow > /example > :ExampleTest). The first invocation runs a bit longer, to fetch necessary infrastructure components, build the targets, and run the tests: Results for the first invocation of bazel test --config=engflow
   //java/com/engflow/example:ExampleTest Compare this to the second invocation, which shows the entire build and test took only a few seconds, thanks to caching. You can also see that the second invocation reports the exact same test results from the first invocation: Results for the second invocation of bazel test --config=engflow
   //java/com/engflow/example:ExampleTest showing cached results

Forge your own project using EngFlow

Now that you've successfully built and tested the example project, you're ready to configure your own project to build using the EngFlow cluster! See the Set up your project page for further guidance.